When Attorneys Who Care Join Forces


It all started in law school- we bonded immediately due to our keen senses of humor. I appreciated Bill's quick wit, and he appreciated my silliness. There was also the ungodly amount of work, the fear the professors instilled in us, and the exams that lasted days on end. Law school isn’t for the faint of heart, after all. Somehow we survived, and after graduation we went our separate ways. 

He was recruited by a prestigious law firm, and I went off to pursue justice. Fast forward several years and many interesting winding roads….. we crossed paths again. Oddly enough as we compared career paths, we realized we both took the a path less traveled. We were both somewhat outliers in the legal world. First, people normally liked us (lawyer joke implied). But more importantly, we both had spent several years (decades between us) working as corporate attorneys (also known as in-house attorneys or General Counsel). The main differentiator with skilled in-house attorneys is that they approach legal issues from a business perspective. They use common sense and practical approaches to ensure businesses can do what they do best without running afoul legal landmines- and do it cost effectively! 

Here’s where it gets even more interesting. We were both in-house attorneys who also led People Departments (also known as Human Resources, HR, People and Culture, etc.). We both came to understand the invaluable nature of employees and the secrets to how people and teams engage and grow.  To paraphrase Richard Branson: take care of your people, and they'll take care of your organization.  


We’re both service oriented and are passionate about helping leaders and organizations thrive.  We know that people often view lawyers as running the "Department of No," and shutting down creativity, business strategies or initiatives, and even attempts by companies to be innovative or cutting edge.  That is not what we are about.  In our pursuit of helping individuals and businesses thrive, we view our role as finding solutions to legal and business issues that allow for innovation, growth, and big ideas to flourish.  We help you get to where you want to go, even if the path taken to get there isn't the path you initially had in mind.   

But even more than simply providing great legal advice, we want to help each person in your organization and every part of your business thrive.  That's why Deena and I started ThrivePoint – to be your trusted partner and one-stop shop for legal, HR, organizational development, and training needs, allowing you to focus on what you do best: running your company. 


How can we help you thrive? 


Building Foundations. Cultivating Growth. Thriving Beyond.       


Beyond the Books: Unlocking New Horizons for Clients with T-Shaped Lawyering