
“I am thrilled to share my heartfelt testimonial for Deena, whose remarkable contributions have significantly shaped and enhanced our company culture, creating an environment where collaboration and positivity thrive.

Since Deena joined our team, her influence has been truly transformative. Her innate ability to connect with individuals and create a sense of camaraderie has been instrumental in fostering a workplace culture that is both inclusive and uplifting.

Deena's leadership style is characterized by a perfect blend of empathy and decisiveness. Under her guidance, our team has not only become more united but has also witnessed a noticeable boost in productivity and creativity. Deena has a unique talent for recognizing and leveraging the strengths of each team member, fostering an atmosphere where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute their best.

A standout quality of Deena is her unwavering commitment to the well-being of our employees. From organizing engaging team-building activities to championing wellness initiatives, she consistently demonstrates a sincere concern for the holistic development of our team. This holistic approach has resulted in improved job satisfaction, higher morale, and enhanced job performance across the board.

In conclusion, I am delighted to express my deep appreciation for Deena and the positive impact she has had on our company culture. Her passion for creating a collaborative workplace has undoubtedly contributed to our organization's success. We are fortunate to have Deena as a key member of our team, driving positive change and shaping a workplace where everyone can thrive.”

-Joe Santora | CEO of Irontrax | www.irontrax.com

“I had the great pleasure of working for Bill for far too short a period. During that time, I experienced a leader who was positive, caring and committed to helping me succeed.

Bill allowed me the authority and autonomy to do my job but was always available and ready to help. Bill listened, brainstormed, provided feedback and direction with insight and grace.

Bill made me feel part of the team from the very first day, and his optimism, guidance, and great sense of humor kept me comfortable and engaged.  I was blessed to have had the opportunity to work for and with Bill. I would not hesitate to work with him again or to recommend him for any endeavor he pursues. “

-Kim Smith

“Deena is the epitome of a brilliant leader who skillfully combines intelligence with a loving approach. As a lawyer, a profession beginning with the letter "L," one might assume she's solely focused on business. However, she seamlessly embodies the roles of CEO and Head of Human Resources, all within one exceptional individual.

Deena excels in crafting a purposeful and compassionate leadership experience for you, your team, or your entire company. Her expertise not only enhances your bottom line but also streamlines your operational efficiency by implementing effective systems and processes.

Her approach is so warm and welcoming that it feels like friends coming together. Under her guidance, your team will work harmoniously, leading to a substantial increase in your company's value.”

- Marni Task | Multi-Business Owner and Yoga Instructor | www.marnitask.com

I had the joy of working with Bill Post for three years when he was a Legal Vice President and I was his partner in Compliance. I specifically use the word "joy" because Bill has this ability to put risk in perspective - taking it seriously and giving you something to smile about, to be witty but not grandstand, to provide support and advice in a kind and caring way and demanding accountability from all stakeholders. On numerous occasions, Bill listened to my situation, quickly assessed options, discussed possible next steps all while guiding me to the ethical, honest, value add decision. With Bill, it is people first.

- Larissa B.