What Happens When Everybody Matters

Everybody Matters is a book written by Raj Sisodia and Bob Chapman, CEO if Barry-Wehmiller. It chronicles the story of how Bob Chapman, a young accountant joined Barry-Wehmiller, a 100 year old global manufacturing organization, to help his father, then owner of the flailing and financially weak organization. After the death of his father, he became the CEO, and started to improve the business through the principles he learned in business school. One day after a sermon in church, he realized how separately he treated/viewed the people at work vs how he viewed his family. For example, he asked himself “[w]ould I fire a family member?” As his mindset shifted, things began to change.

Over the next several decades, he embarked on a journey of what he refers to as “Truly Human Leadership” which is centered around the idea that businesses should prioritize the well-being and personal growth of their employees just as much as they do financial success. Chapman believes that leaders have a profound responsibility to care for their people, treating them with dignity and respect, and creating an environment where every individual feels valued and appreciated.

The key aspects of Truly Human Leadership are:

  1. People Over Profit:

    • Chapman advocates for a leadership approach that prioritizes the welfare of employees above financial gains. He posits that when people are genuinely cared for, profitability follows naturally as a result of their increased engagement and productivity.

  2. Empathetic Listening:

    • Central to Truly Human Leadership is the practice of empathetic listening, where leaders actively listen to their employees’ concerns, ideas, and needs, fostering a sense of trust and understanding within the organization.

  3. Creating a Caring Culture:

    • Chapman emphasizes the importance of building a workplace culture that is rooted in care and compassion, where leaders are genuinely invested in the personal and professional development of their team members.

  4. Empowerment and Trust:

    • Trusting employees and empowering them to make decisions is a crucial component of Truly Human Leadership. Chapman believes that when employees feel trusted and empowered, they are more likely to take initiative and contribute meaningfully to the organization.

  5. Recognition and Celebration:

    • Regularly recognizing and celebrating employees’ contributions and achievements is key to fostering a positive and motivating work environment.

  6. Responsibility to Improve Lives:

    • Chapman views leadership as a privilege that comes with the responsibility to positively impact the lives of employees, helping them lead fulfilling and meaningful lives both inside and outside of work.

In essence, Truly Human Leadership is about viewing employees not merely as resources or assets, but as human beings with unique needs, aspirations, and potential. It calls for a shift from traditional leadership models to one that is deeply human-centric, aiming to create a workplace where people thrive and feel truly valued.

If you ask Bob what his company does, he will tell you, “We build great people who do extraordinary things.” If you ask him how he measures his results, he will tell you, "“We measure success by the way we touch the lives of people.”

In Bob Chapman’s words “Everyone wants to do better. Trust them. Leaders are everywhere. Find them. People achieve good things, big and small, every day. Celebrate them. Some people wish things were different. Listen to them. Everybody matters. Show them.”

At ThrivePoint, we’re profoundly inspired by leaders like Bob Chapman and John Mackey, who champion the idea of using business as a force for good. They understand deeply that this kind of leadership not only benefits the greater good but also drives significant business success. By prioritizing respect and dignity, they witness firsthand how such an approach enhances the strength, profitability, and sustainability of their companies. Join us in embracing this transformative leadership style to build a more prosperous and purposeful future.


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